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I'm amazed by how you can look at the positive even while in the mist of hurt and pain. You really inspire me, mechie!

truth is cat, y'alls encouragement keep me going. just the other day a close friend commented about all the positivity that flows thru this blog & he was on point... good spirits gather here & i am grateful to be apart of the channel!:-)


Mechie, 'this too shall pass'.

And in the mean time, I know you are acknowledging what you are feeling and rightly so. We must remember the bad moments and also the good and the beautiful.

Know that I am thinking about you, know that. :) and know that whatever you need to do, is what you need to do.

soul you are right. i am just allowing myself to feel, whatever i need to minus the 'big girl' mask i tend to wear. no hiding. no pretending. just being.

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